Please, take note that your printer's driver is pre-installed, this is done prior to shipping your booth. All you have to do is to connect your printer to the booth's computer. You should be seeing a label indicated on your computer on which USB port you should be plugging it in.

You will be receiving either of the two printers below. Each printer does not use the same "media kit" (ink and paper). It is very important that in the future, for a media set refill, you should purchase the right one for the type of printer you have.


DNP RX1 media set, you can buy this from our website.

DNP RX1 4x6 Media Kit


DNP 620A media set, again you can buy this from our website.

DNP 620A 4x6 Media Kit


NOTE: The Ink and Paper (Media Kit) are not included in the Printer's Package. It will be delivered along with your Photo Booth. 


DNP RX1 Printer



D620A Printer



Need help?

DNP Tech Support - Call 1-855-367-7604


Email: Or
Call 469 273 1876
Hours: 10 AM - 6 PM CST M-F




Phone Support Number For Darkroom Booth: 214-390-3258
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM CST Monday - Friday  
Please leave a message if they do not pickup
If you need help with Social Booth please email