Welcome Aboard, We Are So Excited To You. Please Make Sure To Follow PBI On All Social Platforms To Keep You Updated With The Latest News, Updates, Service Issues, And Much More.
IMPORTANT to Remember this website - PBISUPPORT.COM
If you Use Darkroom Software, Join Their Facebook Group Here : Facebook
If you use Social Booth, join their Facebook Group Here Facebook
Announcements (Read Carefully)
- Take time to set up and learn your photo booth, this will ensure a smooth event with no problems.
- Make sure to run all computer and software updates.
- Set up your booth the day before your event to make sure you do not have any problems. Preparation is the key.
- Tech Support is usually busy on Mondays & Fridays. Please do not call back to back, as this will place you at the back of the line. Make sure to leave a message, email support@photoboothint.com and post in our Private Facebook Group.
Phone Support Number For Darkroom Booth: 214-390-3258
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM CST Monday - Friday
Please leave a message if they do not pickup
If you need help with Social Booth, please email support@photoboothint.com